Heat for Africa - Project Canaan

As well as providing a sustainable food supply, eggs are a high quality protein source which boosts immunity levels, supports brain development of infants and concentration levels of children attending school. Eggs are an amazing food, and SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP intends to spread good karma to those in need, with eggs. With that in mind, the choice of supporting the project Heart of Africa foundation and their Canaan Egg Farm, in Swaziland, was easy.

We are highly involved in Heart for Africa's Project Canaan and have committed ourselves to supporting the Foundation.

In 2016, we donated, together with our employees and suppliers, a complete boiling machine to the egg farm.

In 2018, we followed up by yet another donation, namely an egg cooling machine.

The machines are custom-made by engineers from SANOVO in order to accommodate local conditions and the entire operation is supported by solar energy.

We are proud to be part of the amazing project and be able to hand over our know-how within egg processing to those in need.

About Heart for Africa

Project Canaan is Heart for Africa's 2,500-acre large-scale village development project being used to bring HOPE to the tiny Kingdom of eSwatini (formerly Swaziland) by focusing on four key areas: Hunger, Orphans, Poverty and Education. The organisation is a non-profit public charity. Working alongside rural churches in eSwatini, they provide care and hope for the future for children in this small African nation by ensuring training and employment while supporting orphans and vulnerable children on the property and across the nation. 

As of January 2021, they have more than 275 orphaned children who call Project Canaan home and they employ 280+ people from the surrounding community. The project gives the children a change to live, grow up and be educated to help break the cycle of ignorance and poverty in their generation.

New donation

In May 2022, we committed to support the Heart for Africa Foundation and its egg farm at Project Canaan with a 10,000 USD donation in 2022, 2023 and again in 2024; a total of 30,000 USD donation over the three years. 

For 10.000 USD, Project Canaan / Heart for Africa can continue:

  • the employment of the persons who deliver the hard-boiled eggs to the 30 schools and churches whom they partner with.
  • feeding the hens on the farm, as the feed prices have become very expensive.
  • using the solar panels on the roof of the house where the cooking and cooling machines from us are placed. Two of the solar panels need repair as they were ruined during extreme weather.

Check out the video below where the supervisor Sifiso Nkambule gives you a tour around the barn and explains the impact of our donation. Lucky Manyatsi and Phindile Mkwanazi, who deliver the hard-boiled eggs, share how this job has impacted their lives and the lives of their families.

Over time we have received videos from Heart for Africa